In addition to the ecological coffee farming, we implement a variety of sustainability measures and projects on our farm and in the surrounding communities.
Our Sustainability Projects
Conservation Area Protection
Machare Coffee Estate is framed by two rivers protected by a 40 ha conservation area which hosts a large variety of trees, shrubs, birds and mammals. The area is regularly patrolled by our watchmen to prevent damages to the eco system, such as tree felling, hunting, firewood collection, livestock grazing and agricultural activities. The protected areas serve as a corridor for wildlife coming from the Kilimanjaro National Park, looking for fruits.
Integrated Pest Management
Machare Coffee Estate is using 100% biological pest control. An extensive groundcover creates a balanced environment and provides space to live for beneficial insects. There are no applications of chemicals. Our EstateĀ has been the first EstateĀ in Tanzania to be organic certified in 2011.
As the most water conserving way of farm irrigation, Machare Coffee Estate has 104 ha currently under drip irrigation.
Soil Management
To protect the soil against direct sun light, drought and forming a hardpan, we have covered 100% of the coffee area by a large variety of grasses forming a thick layer of groundcover. This groundcover improves the soil structure, prevents soil erosion, prevents leakage of all fertilizers, and encourages biodiversity.
At Machare Coffee Estate, we are proud to produce all organic fertilizers ourselves, using organic materials and microorganisms collected from our conservation areas.
Reforestation / Tree Planting
Over 15,000 trees have been planted on the farm and the surrounding area since the last 20 years to support reforestation and biodiversity.
Energy Saving
A solar system on the residential areas have been installed. The fuel consumption for vehicles used on the farm has been decreasing constantly throughout the past years. We avoid printing wherever possible, we use rechargeable batteries and have installed firewood saving stoves and a biogas unit for cooking. We use gravity for irrigation instead of pumping in 90% of the area.
Wastewater Management
The wastewater has been reduced by 97% and is recycled in an innovative wastewater system that is also less carbon emission intense than most other wastewater recycling systems.
Waste Management
Several field actions as well as general actions are undertaken to reduce and re use waste. For example, on the farm level, re-usable planting pots in the nursery have been reused for 20 years. Plastic Sheets are UV proof and last for 5 years instead of non-UV proof sheets that last only 1 season. We are recycling and reusing metals.
Water Conservation
Machare Coffee Estate is surrounded by two rivers which are being protected: no agricultural activity, no grazing, no firewood cutting, no tree felling, and no pollution is allowed near the waterbodies. Furthermore, Machare Coffee Estate has one permanent and two seasonal wells as well as water channels leading through the farm, which both are under protection.
Know How Transfer
Machare Coffee Estate has regular visits from school classes as well as smallholder farmers of the neighboring communities for workshops, trainings, environmental education etc. Furthermore, Machare Coffee Estate welcomes visitors from all over the world throughout the entire year to share know how and passion for coffee with everyone.
Firewood Saving Stoves
1,278 stoves have been built to save firewood. 7,668 people have benefited so far.
Renewable Energy
10 micro hydroelectric units have been installed to provide electricity for 150 households.
Water Project
2837 households (17,022 people) within the area of 21 km have so far received piped water along the main roads by us. 1500 ha of village area have been covered with smallholder irrigation.
Biogas Plant Project
As a technical extension of firewood stoves, 43 biogas plants have been built, benefitting 43 households (258 people).
Central Pulpery Units
The neighboring smallholder farmers have received 13 CPU that are enabling them to produce a higher coffee quality. Machare Coffee Estate assists them in getting access to the market which results in better prices.
Dispensary Station
A dispensary station has been built and is accessible for all residents around 8 km throughout working days all year round.
7,000 blankets have been given to elderly and families to prevent them from sleeping in a room with open fire at night. The blankets have not been imported but have been woven by a small group of deaf women in the surrounding communities.
Covid-19 Measures
8,000 face masks, 2,000 blankets, 30 handwash sanitizing units have been distributed.
Our Sustainability Policy
We care deeply about our environment and our neighbouring communities in order to produce coffee in harmony with nature and people.
Our Sustainability Policy forms the foundation for our work and we always align our actions with this common principle.
Our Actions
Our entire estate is organic certified.
We have planted 15,000 trees on our farm and neighbourhood.
We are actively enhancing our neighbourhood's living conditions.
We are trying to recycle or reuse as much as we can.
We are providing employment for our surrounding community.
We are sourcing local craftmanship for the lodge and the farm.
We are sourcing vegetables from local farmers.